However, if you have not downloaded yet our Publicity Bundle, this is a great opportunity for you to get access to tens of thousands of new ideal clients every single week?
If you want to get instant credibility, grow your expert business and become an authority in your field, our curated database of publications and podcasts will give you all you need to land the gigs you want without wasting hours trying to find the right opportunities in one place.
What is included in our Publicity Bundle?
A curated database of 500+ publications in 20+ niches always looking for contributors - Value £497
A curated database of 200+ podcasts always looking for guests - Value £497
BONUS 1: My follow up strategy to turn every feature into multiple opportunities - Value £397
BONUS 2: Our Trello board tracking system to make the most of every opportunity you get - Value £97
BONUS 3: Exclusive training on how to get featured on publications - Value £497
BONUS 4: A private support community to help you make the most of the templates - Value £297
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