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If you want to get instant credibility, grow your expert business and become an authority in your field, our curated database of publications and podcasts will give you all you need to land the gigs you want without wasting hours trying to find the right opportunities in one place.
If you are a coach, speaker, consultant or expert, you know that your business depends on you and your personal brand.
But in this current market and everyone jumping online, standing out is more difficult than ever. Building relationship and trust with your potential clients takes longer.
Building an engaged audience is more and more expensive.
But there is a shortcut...
You can build the profile and audience many people build in decades in years or even months.
I am talking about using media, podcasts and publications and leverage their reach to build your business.
This is why I have created our Publicity Bundle.
This is the power of media, podcasts and publications.
Getting featured, not only puts you in front of your ideal clients and new audiences.
But it also build your credibility so you can attract better clients, charge higher prices and ultimately, make a bigger impact.
When you get featured your voice and message gets amplified.
It's like having a direct line to millions and millions of people that need to hear your message.
This is why I have created our Publicity Bundle.
1) These are all real clients. No one is EVER compensated in any way for what they write.
2) Specific results shared are NOT typical. These are all extraordinary entrepreneurs with tremendous work ethic and amazing offers. They worked their butts off and pushed through huge challenges to succeed. This is not easy.
3) We have not independently verified that the results they’ve shared are true. We take their word for it – we don’t ask for bank statements. Take it all with a grain of salt, if you like. Enjoy!
I spoke at Amazon twice, got tons of speaking gigs and publications, booked up my group program and launched my high end services.
I finally found my core message and essence of my business
I got the biggest speaking gig of my life and converted like crazy.
I got many private clients and a £30,000 corporate training booking
I got 3 speaking gigs, a radio interview and 2 clients in the first month.
I got featured on Forbes after only one pitch using one of the strategies I have learnt by GTeX.
I made $40,000 in one day after one speaking engagement.
I got an interview on SKY TV, a speaking engagement, a few podcasts and a new client.
I got a corporate speaking gig in Dubai, 2 new clients and 54 leads from one of my events.
I got 4 corporate speaking gigs, and made more than £54k from my events.
I got multiple corporate speaking gigs in Dubai.
I have been featured in more publications I can count with many of my articles trending.
Simone Vincenzi is a multi-award winning serial entrepreneur and author who has helped people to launch more than 500 profitable businesses before he reached the age of 30 with his company GTeX.
Simone is passionate about building thriving community-led businesses where the members are the core and essence of the decisions and development of ideas.
Nominated as one of the most influential migrant entrepreneurs in the House of Parliament, he writes for Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine and regularly features on tv and radio talking about how experts can become authorities in their field.
He works with startup entrepreneurs and experts who want to grow their existing business as well as multi-millionaires who want to launch new ventures, bringing ideas to fruition at lightning speed.
He speaks at more than 200 events every year, impacting thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, small businesses as well as large corporations.
He spoke at conferences featuring Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, Simone Sinek, John. C. Maxwell, Dr John Demartini and many more brilliant minds in the entrepreneurial field.
What if I don't land any publication?
If you don't land any publications it means you are not applying enough or need to work on your profile. The opportunities we have selected are consistently getting contributors and are some of the top publications you can find. Remember, the more you apply, more chances you will have.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
No we don't. We have spent years to create the resources we are giving away today and nothing would stop someone to download them and then ask for a refund while keeping all the material. This is why we have decided not to offer any money back guarantee. However, if you have any problem or something important for you is missing, please contact us at [email protected] and we will make it right.
Is this legit?
YES :)
How is the passing of (selling) contact details legal under GDPR?
All the data I am collecting can be found on public domain.
No sensitive information are shared in the database.
The work we are doing is collating and curating.
People can find those events online on google.
It would just take them ages to find the right one and have all the list in one place.
I did my due diligence before launching this product and we are registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) and got trained in best practices.
This is an extract of the rules that determine if GDPR has been breached or not.
"Understanding whether you are processing personal data is critical to understanding whether the GDPR applies to your activities.
Personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
What identifies an individual could be as simple as a name or a number or could include other identifiers such as an IP address or a cookie identifier, or other factors.
If it is possible to identify an individual directly from the information you are processing, then that information may be personal data."
GDPR is only linked to individuals, not companies. And what we are sharing is their website, info about the event and best practices to approach the organisers to get booked.
All of which can be found on their website in the public domain.
Everything we do in our company is GDPR compliant and we keep ourself updated so we can keep doing so.
I am having tech issue purchasing.
We're really sorry if purchasing the templates is causing tech troubles for you. Try changing your browser.
If that doesn't work email [email protected] and we'll hook you up with alternative ways to pay.
What happens after I register?
As soon as you register you will receive a welcome email with all the instructions you need to get started.
Can I be a 50% affiliate and promote the database to my community?
Of course! We believe in collaboration over competition. If you think your audience will benefit from these resources, you can apply to be an affiliate and earn 50% commissions on all purchases (including the upsell) by emailing [email protected] with a subject line AFFILIATE. 2 sales and you've basically gotten your database for free.
Are these publications also good for beginners?
Some of the publications we have identified are also perfect for beginners too and there will be a way to see those in a separate file.
Why the prices are so high and the database costs only £29.99
Regarding the value I look at the time you spend on a task. Would it cost you more than £500 to research, and curate contacts in time and resources spent? Probably yes. This is where the value comes from. We have spent 4 years to curate those data. Then people can decide if spend 29.99 and give it a go or do the research themselves.
What kind of publications can I expect to find?
Our publications cover the following niches: leadership, sales, marketing, HR, business, health and well being, startup, scale up, tech, personal development and many more.
If you are not sure if your topic will be relevant for those publications, Send me an email at [email protected] and we will guide you in the right direction.
What if everyone pitches the same publications? What are the chances of contributing?
Many publishers rotate contributors regularly. Also every speaker has a different topic and view. Focus on communicating to the publishers why they should book you and don't worry about other contributors. In this way you will have an abundance of opportunities.
I feel bad for all these publishers that will get tons of messages...
The truth is that publishers receive pitches regularly. So don't worry about you and other contributors pitching for the gig.
Focus on your own lane and be the best you can be. You will build so much momentum that opportunities will come to you.
Will you help me craft my message?
Not in this particular program. These are resources to get published. However, if you want help with your expert business and want to build your profile globally, our Profile Builder Program is designed for this purpose. Send me an email at [email protected] with a subject line PROFILE BUILDER and we will send you more info.
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